What is the Pirate's Compass?

Papyrus - gold purple black - blendThe Pirate’s Compass is the OFFICIAL Weekly Newsletter…just for COB Grad Students!


We do not send individual emails for deadlines, reminders, and updates. All information is communicated through the Pirate’s Compass.  YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING THE CONTENT. If you miss a deadline (like applying for graduate) because you haven’t read the Compass, that is your responsibility.


Stay on top of updates from the College of Business Graduate Programs office.  News on registration, FT and PT job opportunities, important deadlines, and more can be found in this weekly newsletter. Alumni tips as well as targeted  career advice from the Career Center in the College of Business will also be featured in the weekly email. Since it’s in a blog format, you can always go back and search for something you missed.


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