3 Minute Thesis Competition | Abstracts Due Oct. 6

There is still time for you to submit your research abstract so you can compete in the 3-Minute Thesis Competition!  Get a group of your classmates together – the program with the highest score (their top 3 student scores get added up) wins the Department Cup!  Show the rest of the university that your program has research that will capture the attention of all!http://www.aahb.org/3-Minute-Thesis-Competition-2017

Abstract Deadline—October 6

The Graduate School can’t wait to hear what you have been working on during your
Three Minute Thesis presentation! Your presentation does not have to be
on thesis or dissertation work—the options are endless!

Everything you need to participate in 3 Minute Thesis on October
24th is available on the 3MT website! There are tag line examples,
an explanation of the rules & judging, and even a video to help
you learn more about what 3MT is all about and how you can
benefit from it.

Talk with your program director, program adviser,
or research mentor today!

Click Here To Submit Your Abstract

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