Tomorrow is the last day to drop a class due to COVID-19 circumstances

REMINDER: Any course can be withdrawn from through the end of tomorrow, April 28 if the drop is related to COVID19. April 28 is the last class day of the semester.


While the academic calendar was revised to provide a date of April 1, 2020 as the course/term withdrawal deadline, any requests for a course or term withdrawal after April 1, that are related to COVID-19 (including illness, caring for someone who is ill, or issues related to the movement of the course to online) will qualify and be approved as an extenuating course/term withdrawal.

How to drop a class/classes:

  • Compose an email that includes your full name, Banner ID, course CRN and title
  • Email from your ECU Student email address
  • Send to (the Registrar’s office)
  • Copy your advisor in the email
  • Include a note – COVID-19 request.
  • Request will be processed and you will receive a confirmation email

Policy Update:

Under the UNC Policy Manual 400.1.5[R], Fostering Undergraduate Student Success, an update has recently been made, which states the following:

  • Course withdrawals taken during during the 2020 spring semester due to the  COVID‐19  pandemic  shall  be  considered  taken  due  to  serious  extenuating  circumstances.

The Student Academic Appellate Committee has also stated that course withdrawals due to COVID-19 should not harm our students, at any time this semester.


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