Pass/Fail for Graduate Students Update

The announcement that a pass/fail option has been approved for graduate students was emailed to the students last week. Remember the course withdrawal (and term withdrawal) deadline has been extended to April 27th.

The Registrar will be posting an FAQ on pass/fail this week.  In short, the student’s advisor will receive an email from the system once the student goes into PiratePort to request the P/F option (for up to 2 courses, max).  Students will have until May 26th to request pass/fail. Students can opt to use P/F on up to 2 courses (no credit limit).

As in the past,  the Graduate School will not review grades for probation until after the Pass/Fail option has concluded on May 26th.  This means, students on academic probation will be allowed to register now; holds have been lifted so please check your registration status! This means that students on academic probation can take summer 1 courses.  Grades will be reviewed prior to the start of Summer 2 and probations will be lifted, extended, or dismissals issued prior to Summer 2.

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