
Reminders for our Arthur Graduate School students who are participating in the spring commencement ceremony:

  • Spring 2023 marks the first dedicated recognition ceremony held solely for the Arthur Graduate School. Immediately following the ceremony, please join us for a reception on the third floor of the student center.
  • As a graduating student, you can vote for the faculty member who fills the role of marshal and for faculty members who will hood the graduates. If you have not completed the survey, please do so by the deadline of March 31stFollow this link to the Survey: Vote for Faculty Members
  • If you plan on participating in the ceremony, you must order your regalia. Follow the steps below:
  1. Purchase your master’s hood ($34.95) here: Dowdy Student Stores – Graduation Regalia
  2. Complete this form to request your cap, gown, and tassel. MSA and MS-STH students should select “MBA” in question 9. This determines the color of your hood and tassel.
  3. Enter your order number from Step 1 in question 12.
  4. The ECU Student store will include all your items in one shipment ($8.99 shipping fee). If you have any questions or concerns about your regalia, please contact the store at 252-328-6731.

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