Graduating Students - Vote for Hooder & Marshal

During each College of Business Graduate Recognition Ceremony, MBA students are “hooded” by two student-selected faculty members. This is the part of the ceremony where two faculty members place the master’s hood one by one over the head of each student.  In addition, a faculty member is elected to marshal graduate business students to and from their seats and to read each student’s name as he or she enters the stage for recognition.

Graduating MBA & MSA students have the opportunity to elect the two hooders and one marshal for their ceremony. You should vote for the three faculty that you feel contributed the most to your graduate educational experience at ECU. MBA students graduating in Spring received an email from Karen Rupp on Tuesday, Sept 24 with the voting link. MSA students will receive an email from Cal Christian with voting instructions. If you did not receive the email, please reach out to Ms. Rupp or Dr. Christian.  You must submit your votes by October 21st.  If you are not planning to attend the ceremony, you may still vote.

Details about the University Commencement and the College of Business Graduate Recognition ceremony will be sent to graduating students via your ECU email account over the coming weeks. These emails will provide additional information about regalia, RSVP deadlines, etc. We will post these announcements in the Compass as well.    

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