Did you begin your program this summer or fall? Read THIS!

Complete the Pirates Aboard Orientation by Oct. 15 or a registration hold will be placed on your account! That means you cannot register for Spring courses!

All COB graduate students are required to complete the self-paced Pirates Aboard orientation course prior to starting any coursework. Failure to do so before Oct. 15 will result in a registration hold being placed on your student account that will prevent you from registering for Spring classes.

To help better prepare you for your first semester in graduate school, the Pirates Aboard course gives you an introduction to the program. The class is fully online, and is beneficial regardless if you intend to take online or face-to-face classes. The class covers information such as:

  • Technology including Blackboard and Saba Meeting
  • Case analysis and writing skills
  • Proctor search and selection

You have been added to the course in Blackboard and it will appear on your Blackboard home page. To login to Bb, click on the little Bb icon in the upper right quadrant of the ECU home page (www.ecu.edu) or go to https://blackboard.ecu.edu/.  Login using your Pirate ID and Password.


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