ECU Distinguished Graduate Faculty Mentor Awards | Due Feb. 15

ECU Distinguished Graduate Faculty Mentor Awards

One of the most important factors in graduate student education is mentoring, which differs from advising in that it involves a social transformation that includes a professional relationship benefiting student development, and instills a lifelong learning perspective to the practices and values of an academic discipline.


To recognize Graduate Faculty members with dedication and proven success in mentoring graduate students, as well as a commitment to excellence in graduate education.


Nominees must be full-time ECU graduate faculty (full, associate, or graduate teaching). Recipients of an ECU Distinguished Graduate Faculty Mentor Award within the past five years are not eligible for consideration this year. Ms. Marquerite Latham ( in the Graduate School can confirm graduate faculty status for any ECU faculty member.

Number of Award Winners:

One award for mentoring Master’s students and one award for mentoring doctoral students will be given per year, unless the applications submitted do not warrant an award. Each recipient will be recognized during the Research & Creative Achievement Week Awards Luncheon on Monday, April 2, 2018.

Application Procedures:

Application packages for the 2018 award will be accepted until February 15, 2018. The single PDF package should be emailed as an attachment to Ms. Marquerite Latham ( in the ECU Graduate School. These packages consist of a single PDF document that includes:

• Curriculum vitae, five-page limit
• Statement on personal approach to mentoring graduate students, 500 word limit
• At least two letters of support from ECU graduate students/former ECU graduate students (maximum of three letters; two-page limit per letter)
• At least one letter of support from an ECU graduate faculty colleague (maximum of two letters; two-page limit per letter)
Graduate students are encouraged to discuss nominations for this award with their graduate faculty academic mentors.
Deadline for submission is 5 PM, February 15, 2018.

Evaluation Criteria:

Given the broad array of characteristics describing exemplary mentorship across multiple disciplines, no single set of criteria can adequately describe Distinguished Graduate Faculty Mentor Award candidates at ECU. Traditional, innovative, as well as distinctive ways in which faculty members have mentored graduate students should all be considered. Examples of mentoring contributions that might be demonstrated by deserving candidates include, but are not limited to:

• Promoting intellectual growth through excellence and innovation in mentoring, advising, and dissertation/thesis direction, including the development of interdisciplinary or non-traditional initiatives.
• Providing opportunities for students to pursue independent research interests by offering students effective direction, evaluation, guidance, and feedback on their research and creative activity.
• Promoting the development of interpersonal skills necessary for professional success and encouraging such interactions.
• Fostering the development of graduate students’ communication skills in written, oral, and multimedia presentations in activities, meetings, symposia, etc. inside and outside of the university.
• Familiarizing students with the culture of their own and related disciplines, as well as facilitating their networking with professionals in their field.
• Being accessible to students for discussion of intellectual or professional questions, thereby promoting a climate of respect and collegiality that enhances the graduate experience and increases chances of success.
• Providing career counseling and placement assistance, including possibilities outside of the university.

Selection Committee:

The Distinguished Graduate Faculty Mentor Award Ad-hoc Committee will make the selections. This committee consists of the two winners of this award from the previous year, two members of the ECU Graduate Council or Graduate Program Directors and Coordinators Committee, and two ECU graduate students.

Please email completed PDF packages as attachments to Marquerite Bass Latham ( and direct questions to Tom McConnell (, Graduate School.

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