Pass/Fail Option for Spring 2020

A pass/fail option for graduate students has been announced for the Spring semester called the Emergency Grading Accommodation  We will be providing more details in the coming days about how this might affect you.  For now, focus on doing the best you can in your current courses.

Key Updates:

  •  Courses graded as pass/fail under this exception will count towards applicable curricular,  continuation and graduation requirements.
  • A grade of pass/fail will not count toward a student’s GPA but will count toward earned semester hours.
  • A student could elect pass/fail for some courses and standard grading for others.
  • Students will have until June 30, 2020 to elect if a course is or a course is not pass/fail for the Spring Semester. (More details on implementation as soon as the process is in place.)
  • All academic transcripts will have a note added to Spring 2020 indicating the major disruption the coronavirus pandemic has caused to the academic experience.
  • The last day to withdraw without academic penalty has been extended to April 1, 2020. Students who are withdrawing from a course due to COVID-19 should indicate this in their request.
  • Incomplete courses from Fall 2019 will not be converted to F’s at the end of spring semester. Those incomplete grades will be extending until Dec. 7, 2020.


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