Workshop: Powerful Presentations with Dr. Kathy Cox | Wed, Oct 26 @ 1pm


Workshop Focus: Powerful Presentations

Featured Presenter: Dr. Kathy Cox, Associate Dean of ECU’s Graduate School

When delivering presentations to a classroom audience, senior management in your company, or even a venture capitalist, a successful presentation isn’t about the PowerPoint slides you create – it’s about much more than that. Dr. Cox will share some of her best strategies for keeping audiences engaged and informed. No RSVP needed.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016 | 1:00pm – 1:45pm | Bate 3015 

Not on Campus? Not a Problem! 

We’ll be recording each ProDevo workshop so you can view it on your own time. After
each session, we’ll send out the link in the Pirate’s Compass.

ProDevoWorkshops: the newest offering from the Graduate Programs office in the College of Business. A full series of workshops is offered throughout the fall and spring semesters on a variety of techniques and strategies that can help graduate students succeed at ECU and in their careers.

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