Passing of Dr. Rebecca Fay

The following information was shared by Dean Stan Eakins yesterday morning:

“I am very sorry to report that Dr. Rebecca Fay from our department of accounting was involved in a car accident near Roanoke, Virginia while traveling with her family on December 30st. Her husband and kids received only minor cuts and bruises but she was severely injured. She was removed from life support on Monday and we received confirmation this morning that she has passed.


There are simply no words to describe our sense of loss and our sympathy for her family. In addition to being a delightful colleague and friend, she was a rising star in the college. She will be tremendously missed.


It is our understanding that the funeral will be in Lynchburg, Va. and that a memorial service will be held in Greenville. Once these details are known we will pass them on.


It is likely that the local news stations will be reporting on this later today. A press release is being prepared. I will send that out once it is available.”


Dr. Rose Bailey will now take over ACCT6241 section 603.

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