A Pirate’s Path: Career Journeys & Lessons Learned from ECU Alumni

Join the ECU Alumni Association for a new webinar series – A Pirate’s Path: Career Journeys & Lessons Learned.

Many who graduate from college do so with a plan firmly in-hand only to find their career compass pointing them in a totally new direction.

In this series, we’ll learn how Pirates navigated their career paths, met obstacles and objections with fierce Pirate perseverance, and created opportunities that didn’t first exist. Watch how unexpected twists and unconventional paths brought them to career treasure. Their stories are interesting and inspirational, and you’ll walk away with great insight that you can utilize from the lessons they learned from their journeys.

If you’re just starting out in your career, thinking of making a major change from where you started or just want to be inspired, register for this series! See the full schedule below and register today!

  • Weds., Oct. 21  |  12:00-1:00 PM ET  |  Matt Slate ‘96

Charting a Course from Biology to Banking  – How does a Pirate make the leap from a
biologist to a leader in the banking industry? Learn how he readjusted his sails.

  • Weds., Nov. 4  |  12:00-1:00 PM ET  |  Greg Hedgepeth ’08, ‘12

Discovering Your Purpose  – The path taken by this first-generation college graduate was not easy, but once he understood his “why” the journey became his passion.

  • Weds., Nov. 18 |  12:00-1:00 PM ET  |  Dr. Karla Jones ’00, ‘02

Throwing Out the Map  – Sometimes you just have too many ports where you could find a career. Find out how you need to throw out all the maps and choose the one that leads to your treasure.

  • Weds., Dec. 2  |  12:00-1:00 PM ET  |  Allen Smith ‘03

How Your Crew Helps You to Keep GO-ing!  – Adjusting your sails is a tough job to do alone. See how a skilled crew helped this Pirate shift his course and encouraged him to keep GOing.

  • Weds., Dec. 16  |  12:00-1:00 PM ET  |  Kate Teel ‘07

Unplanned Paths Make For Fun Adventures  – Just because your compass takes you someplace you never expected doesn’t mean past experience (and education) is for naught. You just have to learn to apply it like this Pirate.


Webinars are free to attend. Your ZOOM link will be sent to upon registration.

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