March 25, 2021
Summer and Fall Registration Opens March 26 @ 1pm!
Summer and Fall 2021 course registration opens at 1pm on Friday, March 26 for all ECU graduate students. This page lists some helpful information, including screenshots.
The Summer and Fall 2021 listing of courses can be found on our website:Graduate Registration | College of Business | ECU
If you’d like to have an advising appointment before registration opens, act fast! Advisors’ calendars are getting full very quickly. Just call the Graduate Programs office at 252.328.6970 to schedule an appointment or use this online form.
PINs are NOT needed to register.
Key points about registering for classes
- No PIN – graduate students do not need an advising PIN to register for classes.
- Check for holds – this post covers holds in more detail.
- Pre-requisites can’t be overridden.
- Don’t delay – some classes will fill up quickly. It is recommended you set a reminder on your calendar for registration: 1pm on March 26.
Trouble registering?
If you’re experiencing trouble on the day of registration, email your advisor with as much detail as possible. ALWAYS include your Banner ID and the CRN of any courses that are presenting a challenge. Advisors don’t take appointments on the afternoon that registration opens so they can usually respond to your questions very quickly.
If a class is full, you will need to place yourself on the waitlist for that class. Neither the Graduate Programs Office nor professors can special add you to a class that is full to capacity. There is no guarantee that a student will have an opportunity to register for the class if they are on the waitlist.
Students are expected to complete registration, including the payment of all required fees, on the dates prescribed in the university calendar. Students who fail to pay fees by the required dates will have their schedules canceled. Please check the academic calendar and tuition and fee brochure for tuition deadlines.
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- Registration