Michael Rudd

September 2021

Copeland Fellows announced

This two-year fellowship is a comprehensive program that celebrates and encourages a culture of diversity and inclusion.


Miller School inducts 31 into entrepreneurship degree program

The Miller School of Entrepreneurship held its first Entrepreneurship Induction Ceremony Sept. 9 2021. The School inducted 31 students who bring varying ideas and aspirations to the entrepreneurship degree program. […]


SHL grad student wins scholarship

“Through the empowerment of ECU’s College of Business and School of Hospitality Leadership, I have found my voice.”


Bringing students accounting opportunities

“It was nice getting to network with other professionals and hear what they have to offer our students.”


In turn with Wandaliz Baret Luna

I recommend business students take advantage of any internship, no matter if it’s related to their major or not.


Helping local manufacturers

College of Business to bring ECU resources to regional manufacturers.


In turn with Marc Bertolino

The internship landed me a full-time job out of college.


In turn with Russell Sherrod

The connections I made are lasting, and I feel that I can reach out and lean on them for almost anything.


August 2021

Rural Expansion

ECU, USDA announce grant expanding rural business development program Published Aug 30, 2021 by ECU News Services A $150,000 grant from the United States Department of Agriculture will expand East […]


Wells named Dean of National Cannabis Risk Management Academy

The National Cannabis Risk Management Association (NCRMA) has named Dr. Brenda Powell Wells, CPCU, AAI, CRIS, as the Dean of the National Cannabis Risk Management Academy.  In her capacity as […]
