Get to Know Your Fellow Students

Networking, networking, networking. One of the most important things you should take away from your time in the College of Business should be the importance of connecting with other people, both on a business, as well as personal level. For employers and industry experts, you may have heard to connect on LinkedIn, ask for informational interviews, or job shadow.

In addition to making connections with industry leaders, we also want to stress to you the importance of networking right here in the College of Business with your fellow students.  These relationships are extremely important to build social skills, communication skills, and life-long relationships.  Some of these relationships could be just as important for you one day as those you form with current industry leaders. Because, think about it, one day you and your fellow students will BE the industry leaders.

Now, once you are face-to-face with a fellow student, what exactly should you say?   We also know the basics…how are you? Where are you from? What classes are you taking?  This article from Ladders offers some ideas on topics that could initiate really interesting and memorable conversations.  Read more.