November 2023

ECU COB Research Spotlight: A longitudinal study of the interplay between team dynamics and media use in virtual teams

The study explores in what ways virtual team media selection changes over time and in what ways these different media choices influence virtual team dynamics and performance differentially over time.


February 2020

Student Spotlight: Matt Morrison

Apex, NC native lands job with Metlife!


July 2019

Author! Author!

MIS professor publishes textbook that looks at the central figures in e-commerce initiatives.


April 2019

MIS Department Receives Support for Summer STEM Camp

It’s all about introducing girls to career opportunities


February 2019

2016 COB Alumni Gives Back with Time, Talent and Treasure

Brittany Coleman provides gift to help future MIS students.


June 2018

MIS Alumnus Helps Government Client Win Award

Thomas Graham led a team that helped DHA with cybersecurity.


May 2018

COB’s MIS Online Degree Program is No.1

Program is tops among other schools.


December 2017

Pitt Students Learn about MIS

Local students learn you can’t have MIS without STEM.


May 2017

College Professors Receive 2017-18 Interdisciplinary Research Award

Dr. Yajiong (Lucky) Xue receives Interdisciplinary Research Award


March 2017

Two College Faculty Members Named University Scholars

Dr. Huigang Liang and Dr. Thanh Ngo recognized for achievements in research and scholarship.
