Study abroad in France - Day 4: Breaking Stereotypes and Vouvray, Hooray!

What an amazing day in Tours, France! Our Tuesday began with breakfast and a visit to the University of Tours campus. Our group had the opportunity to speak with French university students studying international business. It was an educational experience to discuss and break negative stereotypes against French and American citizens. The students were open-minded and personable. They did not fit the stereotype of being over-confident in themselves or their culture. I asked the students about their perceptions of Americans, both positive and negative. They shared that we were much more friendly than expected. Another student shared he heard Americans are not well versed in geography. I proved him wrong by pointing out France and the seven continents on a world map! They also shared their suggestions for Paris sightseeing and said it was imperative that I try a Nutella crepe before I leave! It was meaningful to share my love for America with the students and suggest they visit the USA to further their studies at ECU!

After speaking with the students, our group enjoyed lunch at the University restaurant, where I had the most amazing salmon. My favorite part of French lunch, though, is that they finish the meal with a shot of espresso. I drink coffee any chance I get!French vineyard in Vouvray

After lunch, we were off to the Loire Valley to tour Vignoble Alain Robert’s winery. Tour guide Miriam taught us all about French Appellations of Controlled Origin and the extensive process for growing grapevines and turning grapes into delicious champagne and wine! This winery was located in the Vouvray region, where they produce sparkling and still white wines and Rosé. We got to walk through the vineyard and also take a peek at the wine cellar underground. It was interesting to see the bottling machine, a very high-tech piece of equipment, very efficient in bottling hundreds of bottles of wine at a time!

At the end of the day, a few students and I decided to walk over to a restaurant in Tours for dinner. It was a great time spent with fellow students, and we all recognized that hospitality is top-notch in restaurants across Tours! We are all having an amazing experience and cannot wait for the rest of the week!