About 58 results for " Scholarships "

Scorecard: The Pirate Cup Golf Tournament

Money raised will go to RMI activities and scholarships

PirateCup to Support RMI Program

Tournament to help with scholarships, travel experiences.

Rising RMI Senior Wins (Another) Scholarship

Schwager with students in Bate.

Student accomplishments amplify impact of COB program.

Student Spotlight – Andrew Lee

An example of excellence.

2016 COB Alumni Gives Back with Time, Talent and Treasure

Brittany Coleman provides gift to help future MIS students.

COB Alumnus and CAPTRUST Co-founder to Deliver Commencement Address

Fielding Miller

Fielding Miller to welcome newly graduated pirates.

Time, Talent and Treasure: an Interview with Mark Copeland

COB Alumnus shares how others can give back to the college.

Two Students Bring a First to the College

Two students. Two scholarships. Two firsts.

School of Hospitality Leadership Scholarship Winners Announced

School of Hospitality Leadership scholarship winners were recognized at the annual College of Business Scholarship Ceremony.

COB Intern of the Month – Blake Hammond

Blake Hammond, a Finance senior, shares his internship experiences.