Become More Independent, While Learning How Interdependent the World Is- Study Abroad

By Dr. Elaine Seeman, Associate Professor, Department of Management Information Systems

globeabroadMy study abroad experience began when I was in college (a long time ago!).  I backpacked through Europe for three months in the summer between my sophomore and junior years.  I came back a different person in so many ways. Since then I have wanted to help others enjoy this transformational experience.

In 2003, I began leading Summer Study Abroad trips for the College of Business.  Since then I have taken students to Italy, Chile, Argentina, Australia and China.  I have gone to Australia multiple times and look forward to returning in 2015.  I always look forward to seeing friends that I have made and visiting my favorite places; in some ways, visiting Australia (especially Brisbane), now feels like going home.


On every trip, I have learned new things myself, while watching students’ view of the world, business and themselves expand. Students become more independent, while learning how interdependent the world is.  I have seen friendships, marriages and business relationships begin during these trips.  Some students have gone to graduate school, stayed to work, or made lasting business connections in the country that they visited.  Others have become determined to see more of the world.  Everyone grows and gains a fresh perspective of our country’s role in this world.

The site visits are one of the best parts of the trip. Here are some of the highlights:

-Amaretto di Savona in Italy asked us to preview and critique its TV advertisement campaign targeted for the US audience.

-Visiting both the UPS and FedEx distribution hubs in China.

-Australia’s Central Bank economists explaining how they developed monetary policy that helped the Australian economy expand during the recent global recession.

-Observing trading at the Chilean Stock Exchange in Santiago

-Google Argentina in Buenos Aires gave all of us an understanding of what working for such a tech company would be like and helped us see how Google operates internationally and within a focused market.


To learn more about the Summer 2015 trip to Australia: