Investigate the Business of Healthcare


Since 2008, the College of Business has been collaborating with the College of Allied Health Sciences to organize the annual Business of Healthcare symposium. This year the College of Business is collaborating with the College of Allied Health Sciences to organize the 2014 North Carolina Healthcare Informatics Career and Internship Fair/Symposium at the East Carolina Heart Institute on Oct. 24. College of Business Dean Stan Eakins will give a welcome speech in the morning. Dr. Huigang Liang, Director of Center for Healthcare Management Systems will start the poster session at 1:00pm.

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Health informatics is a fast growing field. A new study found that between 2007 to 2011, job postings for positions in healthcare informatics grew by 36 percent, compared with a 9 percent growth in all healthcare postings, and 6 percent increase in all U.S. jobs. Informatics positions now constitute the eighth-largest share of healthcare occupation postings.

Students in management information systems, business administration, and other related majors are encouraged to attend the career and internship fair to look for job and internship opportunities. Faculty members are welcome to join with colleagues from other NC universities and practitioners from healthcare organizations to explore research ideas.

Detailed agenda is available a