Tips For Writing A Personal Statement

Written by Sharon Justice, Leadership and Professional Development Program

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When do you need a personal statement?  Anytime you want to market yourself.  You are an Entrepreneur of your own career so you better get started.  No one else is going to jump start your career for you, so take charge now.  How you respond to “tell me about yourself” can be the entry into more conversation, or it can be a door shutting on opportunity.

What do you say in your personal statement?  Start with who you are:  What are you doing, where have you been, you get the idea.  Then add your experiences and unique attributes that make you special.  You might have to dig deep.  Talk next about your aspirations.  Why this school, this company, or this industry.  Where does your passion come from?  Then close with the sales pitch.  Why you?  Why do you fit?  What makes you an ideal candidate or a justified risk?

Don’t try to write the perfect pitch the first time out.  Great statements evolve over time.  Start by writing a page about yourself.  Then edit and edit and edit again until you have all the pertinent information neatly organized and easy to read.  By the time you have written it several times, you’ll be ready to answer the question whenever you meet new people, are faced with the same question at an interview or enter into casual conversation.    You can also take this statement and use it in cover letters, LinkedIn personal statements, web sites, applications, resume summaries…you name it, you’ll be prepared.