April 25, 2016
CMAA Student Colony Tours Carolina Country Club
The student colony of the Club Managers Association of America (CMAA) in the School of Hospitality Leadership at East Carolina University (ECU) became official at the beginning of the Spring 2016 semester. The officers of the CMAA colony this year include Taylor Morgan (President), Hannah Neale (Vice President), Shana Maw (Secretary), and Dan VanDeMoere (Treasurer). Dr. Cynthia Deale serves as their faculty advisor. CMAA is open to all hospitality majors.
On Friday, April 1st East Carolina’s student colony of CMAA visited the Carolina Country Club in Raleigh, North Carolina for their first club tour. Carolina Country club managers including Gustavo Muzzalon, the Assistant General Manager, and Mark Sipple, the Clubhouse Manager, arranged the tour. The students were able see the club’s grounds and facilities including the golf course, tennis courts, club house, pool deck, and new fitness facility. They also got to experience all of the “behind the scenes” areas of the club such as the kitchen, storage facilities, and executive offices. Students were able to network with several of the managers before the tour over a delicious lunch provided by Carolina Country Club.

Front row (l-r) Hannah Neale, Taylor Cikey, Katie Schwindt, Keri Aikens, Shana Maw. Back row (l-r) Caitlin Howard, Lezlie Williams, Taylor Morgan, Alex Hughes, Alysha Gaffney, Dan VanDeMoere.
In addition, they got to sit down and participate in a question and answer session with the managers from food and beverage, banquet, and clubhouse operations. This tour was a meaningful, firsthand learning opportunity for the members of the CMAA student colony at ECU, as the members were able to experience a platinum level club in North Carolina. They are planning another club tour to Hope Valley Country Club in Durham, as well as another visit to the Carolina Country Club, for the fall semester of 2016.
If you have any interest in becoming a member of East Carolina’s Club Managers Association of America student colony be looking out for their first interest meeting at the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year or email one of our executive officers at cmaa_ecu@yahoo.com.