COB Launches Snapchat Profile

In addition to engaging individuals via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, the College of Business now interacts with users through a new social media outlet: Snapchat.

This mobile photo-messaging app allows users to “snap” and share a photo or video that remains viewable for only twenty four hours – after that, the “snap” disappears, never to be seen again. Of all other social media platforms, Snapchat offers the most intimate and “real time” experience when sharing content. Also, each owner of a Snapchat account can be identified by a “snapcode”, a unique QR code that can be scanned to add followers. This “snapcode” can be personalized and serves as a visual representation of the user.


@ECUCOB’s Snapcode

With millennials accounting for over seventy percent of all Snapchatters, this relatively new and upbeat app has captivated ECU students (Smith). In order to reach College of Business students on a more engaging and personal level, the COB’s Snapchat account (@ecucob) posts relevant and creative posts that students can easily relate to and share among friends. In addition to publishing candid Snapchats that appeal to students, this platform will also be utilized to promote activities and events occurring within the College of Business. Relevant posts may include photos and videos of guest speakers, student organizations, casual engagements with students and faculty, and major coverage of COB events such as the Business Leadership Conference.

Source: Smith, Craig. “80 Amazing Snapchat Statistics.” DMR. DMR, 22 July 2016. Web. 27 July 2016.