December 14, 2016
ECU CMAA Tours Carolina Country Club

Pictured (l-r): Kaitlyn Pacitto, Carley Festa, Hannah Neale, Anthony Thomas (back row) Amber Clawson, Katie Schwindt, Dan VanDeMoere, Alysha Gaffney
The student colony of the Club Managers Association of America (CMAA) in the School of Hospitality Leadership at East Carolina University (ECU) took a fall tour of the Carolina Country Club in Raleigh, North Carolina on December 2nd. The tour was hosted by Gustavo Muzzalon, the Assistant General Manager, and Mark Sipple, the Clubhouse Manager, of the Carolina Country Club. The students were treated to lunch and then visited the club’s grounds and facilities including the golf course, tennis courts, club house, pool deck, and new fitness facility. They toured all of the “behind the scenes” areas of the club such as the kitchen, storage facilities, and executive offices.
The officers of the CMAA colony this year include Taylor Morgan (President), Hannah
Neale (President), Dan Vandermoere (Vice President), Katie Schwindt (Treasurer), and Shana Maw (Secretary), and Dr. Cynthia Deale serves as their faculty advisor. CMAA is open to all hospitality majors.