April 9, 2017
Greenville Tourism Ambassador Program Spring 2017
The Greenville Tourism Ambassador program was developed in conjunction with the School of Hospitality Leadership’s Master of Science (MS) in Sustainable Tourism & Hospitality program. Dr. Cynthia Deale’s class designed the program as a project with the Pitt/ Greenville Convention and Visitor Bureau. The goal of the Greenville TAP Program is to unite the Greenville-Pitt County tourism industry stakeholders together through shared education, experiences, and goals to prepare for future visitors and tourism development.
As noted on the Greenville-Pitt County Chamber of Commerce site, this initiative is designed for business owners, industrial managers, front-line employees, students, and anyone who is interested and invested in promoting and growing the Greenville-Pitt County community. Visitors are looking for unique places and experiences, and as the official destination marketing organization for the county, the Greenville-Pitt County Convention & Visitors Bureau wants to further develop Greenville and Pitt County into a travel destination of choice.
When visitors have memorable and positive experiences they are more likely to return to a destination, which is good for everyone, from visitors, local residents, front-line employees, and our local economy.
Pictured above is Dr. Cynthia Deale, Interim Director of the MS program and professor in the School of Hospitality Leadership presenting to TAP participants. CVB Director, Andrew Schmidt noted that thanks to her effort, we are off to a good start with our third TAP class.