College Professors Receive 2017-18 Interdisciplinary Research Award

Yajiong (Lucky) Xue

Huigang Liang, Ph.D







Congratulations to Dr. Yajiong (Lucky) Xue for being a recipient of the 2017-18 Interdisciplinary Research Award, which is a seed grant to support interdisciplinary research projects leading to competitive applications for extramural funding. The awards are given by ECU’s Division of Research, Economic Development, and Engagement, in partnership with the divisions of Academic Affairs and Health Sciences.

Co-investigators in Dr. Xue’s research, titled Development and Evaluation of a Predictive Model for 30-day Readmission: A Regional Rehabilitation Center, will include two additional College of Business professors: Dr. Brenda Killingsworth and Dr. Huigang Liang. Dr, John Norbury of the Brody School of Medicine and Dr. Rita Gillis of Vidant Medical Center will also serve as co-investigators.