Pruitt Wins Inaugural Award for Excellence

Congratulations to Kathy Pruitt for receiving the inaugural College of Business Award for Excellence, which recognizes staff members for performance beyond the call of duty in the following categories: service, leadership, ambition and spirit.

An employee at ECU for more than 14 years, Kathy has been with the College of Business for almost six years in total.  She currently serves as the business services coordinator and is responsible for HR. Since returning to the College of Business a year and a half ago, Kathy has been extremely busy. In the past year alone, she has processed a record number of new hires (more than 20), faculty overloads (when faculty members teach additional classes), salary adjustments and numerous other personnel actions.

“Despite this heavy workload, Kathy always had a smile and a kind word,” said Dean Stan Eakins. “She received the award because she has excelled in all the areas mentioned.”

Congratulations, Kathy! Well-deserved!

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