May 9, 2018
SHL Graduates 54 Seniors
Fifty-four School of Hospitality Leadership (SHL) seniors participated in graduation festivities Friday, May 4th. The recognition ceremony was held in the Brody Auditorium, and a full house witnessed the ceremony. Proud parents, family and friends recognized the achievements of their graduates. Emily Hume, the Outstanding SHL Senior, shared remarks about her and her classmates’ experiences in SHL and ECU.
The guest speaker was Mr. Darryl Webb, senior vice president of operations for Golden Corral Inc. He shared his story and talked about the emerging trends in the industry as graduates begin their careers.
Congratulations to all and stay in touch!

SHL graduating senior, Hannah L’Esperance, center, enjoying the graduation experience with her family. (photo by ECU’s Cliff Hollis)
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- School of Hospitality Leadership