ECU's Hult Prize Winner Announced

From left to right, Phoenix Little, Pranaya Pakala, Johanna Adamo, and Gina Bonini

Health4Pine will represent ECU and move on to the regional finals of the ninth Annual Hult Prize competition.

The Hult Prize, in coordination with the United Nations, is a crowdsourcing platform for social good, and Time magazine has named it one of the top five ideas changing the world. The platform identifies and launches disruptive and catalytic social ventures that aim to solve the planet’s most pressing challenges. The theme of this year’s challenge was solving youth’s unemployment.

This year marked the third-straight year that ECU hosted the Nov. 29, 2018, event, along with sponsorship coming from the Miller School of Entrepreneurship.

Health4Pine is a four student-led team whose entrepreneurial idea centers around youth coaching for health and life skills. Health4Pine’s team is Phoenix Little, Pranaya Pakala, Johanna Adamo, and Gina Bonini.

Health4Pine will move on to compete in the Hult Prize regional finals that will be held in 15 global locations in March 2019.  A final round of competition will take place in September 2019 where the winning team will be awarded $1 million.