December 19, 2018
Thank you, Hyster-Yale, for Your Endowment

Pictured, left to right, are Dr. Judy Siguaw (COB), Evelyn Velasquez (Hyster-Yale), Roger Keys (Hyster-Yale) and Paul Schwager (interim dean, COB).
Thanks to a $25,000 restricted endowment from the Hyster-Yale Group (HYG), the College of Business (COB) will be able to offer a marketing scholarship via the Hyster-Yale Scholarship Endowment in Marketing Fund. The fund will provide scholarship support to undergraduate students interested in sales and will highlight various career opportunities in the technical sales industry.
Training Program Specialist Roger Keys, along with Sales and Technical Training Manager Evelyn Velasquez, both with HYG, presented a check to Paul Schwager, COB interim dean, when they recently visited campus.
“As alumni, I am thrilled to be able to work with ECU to select key talent to support our customers,” said Keys. “This program is a great opportunity for ECU students because this industry is ever-evolving and has a promising future. Everything we use in our daily lives is touched by material handling, whether it’s a new iPhone or the food in your refrigerator. I have been with HYG for five years, and I love working here because of the growth opportunities, work culture, benefits and learning opportunities.”
“The HYG scholarship underscores the importance of COB’s sales curriculum and highlights the opportunities available for students pursuing careers in business-to-business sales,” said Dr. Judy Siguaw, COB’s associate dean of research and faculty development. “This scholarship not only encourages students to pursue the professional selling certification, but it also increases awareness of the Hyster-Yale brand as a preferred, prospective employer. The College of Business is excited by this very visible partnership with the Hyster-Yale Group.”
Added Keys, “Hyster-Yale’s Americas Headquarters is in the same community as East Carolina University, and we recruit ECU graduates for positions across our footprint, including accounting, marketing, sales, finance, IT, human resources and supply chain. We wish to provide scholarship support to undergraduates interested in sales and to promote overall awareness of Hyster-Yale Group and the material handling industry.”
ECU’s College of Business is located in Greenville, North Carolina and currently has more than 28,000 alumni throughout the United States. It’s one of the largest colleges of business in North Carolina.