ECU turns to SHL for Hotel Project

Sara Thorndike

Sara Thorndike, ECU’s vice chancellor of administration and finance, recently spoke to School of Hospitality Leadership seniors in SHL’s financial management course. Ms. Thorndike presented an overview of the planning process for an ECU hotel on Reade between third and fourth in Uptown Greenville.

As course work, the students, assigned in multiple groups, will conduct a preliminary feasibility study for the hotel. They also will recommend a concept and brand, analyze competition, estimate growth of demand for room nights, conduct penetration analyses, estimate an average of daily rates and provide an estimate of annual operating results.

Final project presentations will be at the end of the semester. Each group will present their results to ECU officials, including Thorndike.

The School of Hospitality Leadership in the College of Business has the largest student enrollment in the North Carolina university system.


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