May 1, 2019
ECU and COB SHRM chapter wins case competition

Pictured, left to right, are Sharon Justice, COB teaching instructor and SHRM chapter advisor, William Eddy, Amber Kennedy, Michael Nethercutt, Vanessa Nguyen, Clayton Reichart, Brittany Meier and Dr. Craig Williams, SHRM chapter coach and advisor.
ECU and the College of Business recently hosted the inaugural Carolina’s Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) Student Conference and Case Competition. ECU’s SHRM chapter was involved in the planning and promoting of the conference, with support from the North Carolina and South Carolina State Council of SHRM.
Sixty human resources professionals and students attended. ECU’s graduate team took first place honors in the case competition. The team included Amber Kennedy, Michael Nethercutt, Clayton Reichart, Brittany Meier, Vanessa Nguyen and William Eddy. The College of Business’ Dr. Craig Williams provided the coaching. Williams and Sharon Justice, COB teaching instructor, both serve as SHRM Chapter advisors.