COB students earn top honors

Zac Robol, William Reid Neuhoff and Aaron Pearce pose with awards they achieved at recent PBL conference

From left to right, Zac Robol, William Reid Neuhoff and Aaron Pearce

More than 1,800 of America’s best and brightest college students traveled to Texas to Create, Lead, and Succeed as they competed for the opportunity to win more than $110,000 in cash awards.

The Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) National Leadership Conference was held June 24–27 in San Antonio. Participants from across the United States attended this exciting conference to enhance their business skills, expand their networks, and participate in 60 business and business-related competitive events.

Several students from East Carolina University’s chapter received national recognition at the PBL Awards of Excellence Program on June 27.

  • Zac Robol competed in Mobile Application Development and earned second place.
  • Aaron Pearce competed in Macroeconomics and earned sixth place
  • William Reid Neuhoff competed in Networking Concepts and earned eighth place.

The award was part of a comprehensive national competitive events program sponsored by FBLA-PBL that recognizes and rewards excellence in a broad range of business and career-related areas. For many students, the competitive events are the capstone activity of their academic careers. In addition to competitions, students immersed themselves in interactive workshops, visited an information-packed exhibit hall, and heard from motivational keynotes on a broad range of business topics.

COB’s Harold Wise serves as the COB PBL advisor.

