March 26, 2020
COB undergraduate advising center is ready

Katie Butler at her #WFH office. “I’m grateful that we were able to take our technology home because the multiple screens make phone appointments with my advisees so much faster! While this is nice, I’m looking forward to seeing my staff again in person.”
Kevin Williams, director of COB’s undergraduate advising programs, wants students and parents to know that COB Undergraduate Advising Center is ready for the start of summer and fall registration, which begins Friday, March 27 at 1 p.m.
“Our advisors have moved all of their technology from their offices on campus to their homes,” said Williams. “We (the advising staff) are fully functional and ready to assist with any student needs.”

COB’s undergraduate advising team includes from top left, clockwise, Melissa Bowers, Brad McAllister, Kevin Williams, Amy Eason, Aisha Powell, Cindy Lynn, Mary Beth Allen and Katie Butler. Not pictured is Drew Winters.
Williams said students can communicate with their academic advisor via email, Microsoft Teams, WebEx, or by phone.
“We can do everything remotely that we can do in the office except talk face to face with students,” said Williams. “While our physical location has changed, our focus has not.”
How has the interaction been since moving to virtual services?
“I would truly describe our interactions as normal,” said Williams. “We are going into our busy season. Interactions are up, but not all because of COVID-19. I think we did a good job of letting our students know early that our office was open and fully operational.”

About her #WFH experience, Aisha Powell says, “I have learned the Pirate Nation’s faculty and staff are adaptable and committed to serving the needs of our students.”
Williams said that students are certainly concerned (about the current state) because of the uncertainty about summer courses and the pass/fail grading system that is being implemented. “They are also grateful that their faculty being responsive and supportive,” said Williams.
“The biggest take away I have from speaking with students is they are eager to return to campus. I constantly get asked when we will reopen campus and return to normal.”
The Undergraduate Advising Center is operating its regular business hours, which is Monday-Friday, 8 am – 5 pm. Students may email their advisor directly or contact the Undergraduate Advising Center’s main office at