First round of Hult Prize Competition is in the books

From left to right, Benjamin Selby, Sydnie Alligood, and Zachary Griffin.

The first round of the annual Hult Prize Competition recently wrapped, albeit virtually, and Food Trucking App will represent ECU and move on to the regional finals of the 10th Annual Hult Prize competition.

In coordination with the United Nations, the Hult Prize is a crowdsourcing platform for social good, and Time magazine has named it one of the top five ideas changing the world. The platform identifies and launches disruptive and catalytic social ventures that aim to solve the planet’s most pressing challenges.

The theme of this year’s challenge asked teams around the world to build viable food enterprises that will impact the lives of 10M people in the next decade while strengthening communities, increasing incomes, feeding the hungry and creating jobs.

This year marked the fifth-straight year that ECU hosted the competition, which is sponsored by the Miller School of Entrepreneurship.

Food Trucking App is a student-led team whose entrepreneurial idea centers around youth coaching for health and life skills. Food Trucking App is run by ECU students Sydnie Alligood, Benjamin Selby and Zachary Griffin.

“The Food Trucking team is thrilled to have the privilege to compete in this year’s Hult Prize,” said Allgood. “We truly believe that the platform we are working to build has the potential to make a significant change in small rural communities and many individual lives. Our vision goes beyond simply creating an app that will connect consumers to the locations of food trucks. We strive to educate and assist those living in food deserts while also building new entrepreneurs so that they can, in turn, strengthen their communities.”

Food Trucking App will compete in the Hult Prize regional finals that will be held in 15 global locations in March 2021.  A final round of competition will occur in Fall 2021, where the winning team is awarded $1 million.