June 9, 2021
College of Business fills leadership positions
Drs. Lee Grubb and Amy McMillan have joined the College of Business leadership team.
Grubb has been named the COB’s new associate dean. In this role, Grubb will serve as the second-ranked leader of the COB and provide leadership and oversight of the COB’s strategic planning efforts, including maintaining an inclusive environment, academic programming and operations, including budgetary administration, and human resource management.
As the third-ranked leader of the COB, McMillan will serve as the associate dean for research and faculty development. She will be responsible for collaborative research opportunities from across campus and the region. McMillan also will monitor and encourage funded research projects and grants while also serving on appropriate college and university committees.
“Over the years, both Lee and Amy have provided remarkable leadership to the COB in a variety of important capacities,” said Schwager. “I look forward to watching how they will own these new responsibilities and help the COB grow as it continues to build leaders and transform our region.”
Grubb previously served as the COB’s Department of Management chair for three years, where he led a department of 32 faculty members. Since 2012, Grubb served as director of the COB’s Leadership and Professional Development curriculum. He also has served on numerous university and COB committees, including faculty senate alternate, ECU’s Undergraduate Research Committee and the COB’s Business Leadership Committee. Grubb joined the COB in 2003 as an assistant professor and after spending 10 years working in industry. He received his Ph.D. from the Virginia Commonwealth University in 2003. Grubb replaces Dr. John Reisch, who is moving back to the Department of Accounting to lead its graduate program.
“I look forward to working with Dean Schwager as we continue to make the College of Business a true destination for tomorrow’s leaders and the academic leaders who will teach them,” said Grubb. “We’re slowly coming out of challenging times, and I’m happy to work with the COB’s leadership team so we can move forward and provide a positive impact for those who call eastern North Carolina home.”
McMillan started at the COB in 2003, and for the past 15 years, she has taught graduate courses in the COB’s MBA program. McMillan also has served both the COB and university in various capacities, including chair of the University Graduate Curriculum Committee and the COB’s Graduate Committee. She currently serves as the COB’s Diversity and Inclusion Action Committee chair and the Copeland Director of Diversity and Inclusion. McMillan has published more than 30 journal articles and collaborated with over 25 co-authors. McMillan received her doctorate in business administration from Louisiana Tech University. McMillan replaces Dr. Judy Siguaw, who starts phased retirement in August 2021.
“This role has previously been held by two strong women who will be great role models to follow,” said McMillan. “I look forward to building on their success and lifting up our faculty up so they can provide the best experience for our students.”