IIANC visit RMI program, brings gift

Aubie Knight of IIANC presents big check to Dr. Brenda Wells of ECU's Risk Management and Insurance programAubie Knight, CEO of the Independent Insurance Agents of North Carolina (IIANC), continued his annual tradition of visiting campus, speaking with COB’s Risk Management & Insurance (RMI) students and presenting a gift to the RMI program. During a recent visit, Knight did speak with students and presented a check for $80k to the program.

We recently spoke with Knight about the gift and why IIANC supports COB’s RMI program.

“It gives us great satisfaction to provide gifts that can benefit the educational opportunities available to students that are pursuing a career in insurance,” said Knight.  “We believe that ‘giving back’ and reinvesting in the industry that has been so good to us is the right thing to do.”

Why is it important to support programs such as COB’s RMI program?

Like many industries, the insurance industry will need a large influx of talented, educated professionals to enter our ranks over the next 5-10 years.  It’s important to us to support the RMI programs for that purpose.  Our support of these programs also allows us to champion the retail side of the insurance business that generally doesn’t get a lot of attention in most university programs.

How would IIANC describe its relationship with COB’s RMI program?

We have a very positive relationship with the ECU (COB) RMI program.  IIANC provided the initial source of the funding for the program and has remained close to it since that point.  Dr. Wells, Mr. Fickling and the entire ECU (COB) faculty have always been very hospitable and have actively sought out ways for collaboration and participation with IIANC.