In turn with Dacia Ormond

Dacia Ormond of Chesapeake, Virginia, has dived right into her new career of choice – marketing – since coming over to the College of Business. She left criminal justice, and she plans to use marketing to pursue her new passion for business and entrepreneurship.

But first, she had to get three – yes, three – internships out of the way. We recently touched base with her about her internship with the Eastern Carolina Vocational Center.

“My responsibilities were to create content for all social media accounts and schedule posts in Facebook drafts, make ads for each department at ECVC, report insights & analytics, conduct research on search engine optimization, attend weekly meetings and conduct daily time management of each task,” said Ormond.

What was the most challenging thing you experienced during your internship, and how did what you learned in the COB help you overcome it?

The most challenging thing was learning how to create Google Ads because I had never done that before and did not know anything about SEO or how to compute it. I did a lot of research and even received a Google Digital marketing certification that helped me create ads.

How did you apply what you learned in BUSI 1200, BUSI 2200, BUSI 3200 or BUSI 4200 to your internship?

I applied my interview tips for this internship, and I believe that’s what helped me with this position.

What has this internship taught you about responsibility?

If I don’t do everything I was tasked with, it’s OK not to get stressed out. I should come back to it when I get in a better headspace. You can’t do anything stressed, but I am responsible for what I do get done.

How will this internship benefit you?

This internship showed me what it meant to be in digital marketing, but it made me realize that I would rather work for myself in digital marketing (after getting more experience) than working for a nonprofit or corporation forever.

Why would you recommend a business student take advantage of an internship opportunity?

It taught me a lot about who I was and what kind of worker I am. I think that’s very important in your early 20s.