In turn with Jenna Mallberg

Certain things are just unchanging facts about COB junior Jenna Mallberg. She’s a management information systems major. She wants to work at the National Geo-spatial Intelligence Agency. Mallberg is president of ECU’s Panhellenic Association. She loves coffee, and she’s a bagel enthusiast

The Fort Bragg native shared with us her recent internship experiences with Aramark, where we are certain of another unchanging fact: those experiences were very successful.

How did the Cunanan Center for Professional Success help prepare you for your internship search?

The Cunanan Center helped best with my resume! When I first got to college, I lacked job experience and did not know what to do with a blank resume. Thanks to the COB, I have had two jobs, an internship, and I am now the president of one of ECU’s largest organizations.

What were your responsibilities during your internship?

I coordinated and oversaw events created for students to enjoy themselves in the dining halls or on campus. I helped strengthen the ECU dining Instagram page by taking pictures of the students and the food on our campus. This kind of work got me involved at East Carolina University and has made my time here super enjoyable

How did you apply what you learned in BUSI 1200, BUSI 2200, BUSI 3200 or BUSI 4200 to your internship?

I have only taken Business 1200 and 2200, but the skill(s) I have most used is public speaking and communication. My ability to communicate effectively in the workplace has increased my overall productivity, trust, and team building. 

What was the most challenging thing you experienced during your internship, and how did what you learned in the COB help you overcome it?

The COB has helped me overcome unnoticed work. The COB has pushed me to go above and beyond, so even the small things get noticed now.

How have you applied what you learned in your classwork to this position?

I think communication and public speaking has helped me tremendously. Once I knew how to communicate effectively with my employer, my communication with professors improved. We are often more scared of a professor than a boss.

What has this internship taught you about responsibility?

My internship has elevated the importance of responsibility. I always knew that responsibility was important to every aspect of life, but it is different when applying it in the real world.

Why would you recommend a business student take advantage of the Cunanan Center for Professional Success resources?

I would HIGHLY encourage students to use campus resources because they are here for us, especially the Cunanan Center. As students, we often find ourselves stressed about the future.