April 28, 2022
COB closes out year with awards ceremony

Three generations of COB leadership. From left to right, Deans Paul Schwager, Rick Niswander and Stan Eakins
The College of Business 2022 End-of-Year Social and Retirement Recognition Ceremony was held Wednesday, April 27, 2022.
The College of Business awarded faculty and staff for their amazing contributions over the past year during the event.
The following awards were presented.
Deonanan New Faculty Excellence Award was awarded to Dr. Kent Alipour, assistant professor in the Department of Management. According to the nomination, “Dr. Alipour exhibited teaching excellence as a new faculty member, including expressing his willingness to teach in various topical areas based on department and college needs.”
Stafford Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching was awarded to Holly Winkler, an instructor in the College’s Leadership and Professional Development program. Winkler was recognized for her enthusiasm and belief in the teaching mission of the College. According to the nomination, “Winkler is a master teacher and coach who uses her experience and teaching talent to contribute to the transformation of her students and our region.”
Stallings Faculty Award for Excellence in Service was awarded to Dr. Craig Marshall from the School of Hospitality Leadership. The award recognizes COB faculty for outstanding performance in service. According to the nomination, “Dr. Marshall has continually volunteered for student recruitment activities, industry relations activities, committee assignments and assessment projects. This past year he has served on six COB and SHL committees. Through his service work, Dr. Marshall is an example of an outstanding team member.”
Stansell Faculty Award for Excellence in Research was awarded to Dr. Yajiong (Lucky) Xue of the Management Information Systems Department. The award recognizes COB faculty for outstanding performance in research. According to the nomination, “Dr. Xue’s work has had a high impact in the business field. According to Google Scholar, her work has been cited more than 11,800 times. Based on Google Scholar citations, she is ranked no. 7 among all ECU faculty, and she is the most cited author among all current social science and business school faculty at ECU.”
College of Business Staff Award for Excellence was given to Vickie Glover from the College’s Miller School of Entrepreneurship. Glover was recognized for performance beyond the call of duty in one (or some or all) of the following categories: service, leadership, ambition, and spirit. According to the nomination, “The Miller School had a successful 2021-22 academic year, and Vickie was instrumental in making it all happen. Despite the challenges associated with COVID, her dedication to serving our students allowed us to pivot certain elements of our programs to a virtual environment while keeping other aspects face-to-face always with an appreciation of the necessary compliance to protect all participants.”
- Dr. Kent Alipour
- Holly Winkler
- Dr. Yajiong (Lucky) Xue
- Vickie Glover
College faculty and staff also celebrated those who have retired over the past two years or plan to retire at the end of the spring 2022 semester. Those names include:
- Rose Bailey, accounting department
- Denise Dickens, accounting department
- Laura Eakins, management information systems department
- Amy Fagans, Administrative Support Associate
- George Fenich, School of Hospitality Leadership
- Susan “Terri” Gray, Administrative Support Associate
- Mark Harrington, technology, information and operations
- JoAnne Hartsell, management department
- Richard (Rich) Hauser, management information systems department
- Sharon Justice, management department
- Jack Karns, finance department
- James “Jim” Kleckley, director, Bureau of Business Research
- Wanda Naylor, finance department
- Rick Niswander, accounting department
- Kathryn Pruitt, dean’s office
- Judy Siquaw, associate dean for research and faculty development
- Kim Watkins, technology, information and operation
“Last night’s event was all about celebrating those who gave so much to the College of Business over the years and celebrating those who continue to give to the College,” said Dr. Paul Schwager, dean, College of Business. “I also would like to thank the Stansell, Stallings, Stafford and Deonanan families for making it possible to recognize all the great talent that calls the College of Business home.”

From left to right, Mark Harrington, Sharon Justice, Dr. Rick Niswander, Wanda Naylor, Laurie Eakins, Dr. Richard Hauser, and Dr. Judy Siguaw
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