Barber named coeditor-in-chief of Journal of Small Business Strategy

Submitted by Dr. William C. McDowell, Coeditor-in-Chief, Journal of Small Business Strategy

Dennis Barber, III

The Journal of Small Business Strategy is pleased to welcome our new Coeditor-in-Chief, Dr. Dennis Barber, III.  Dennis has served the journal as Managing Editor for five years, and as Dr. Michael Harris steps down from the role he held for six years, Dennis now assumes this leadership position. He brings with him a passion for small business and entrepreneurial research as well as a sense of rigor that will help propel the journal to greater prominence.  Dennis has extensive experience in helping authors publish their research through his work with JSBS as well as his editorship with other journals.  He also brings to the journal a strong network of scholars in the field through his leadership in various roles of the Small Business Institute, the United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, and the work he has done to build the Miller School of Entrepreneurship at East Carolina University.  We are thrilled to welcome him to this role, and we look forward to great things for JSBS in the future.

As we welcome Dr. Barber, III, we also want to say, “Thank you” to Dr. Michael Harris as he steps down from this role as the Coeditor-in-Chief of JSBS.  Dr. Harris has worked tirelessly in this position since 2016 when he joined the journal after stepping down from the same role for the Small Business Institute Journal.  He helped build JSBS from just a handful of articles published each year to over 40 publications in 2021.  The prominence of the journal in the fields of small business and entrepreneurship has increased significantly, and the journal now has a very firm foundation that will serve as a strong base for future growth and impact.  Both his scholarship and leadership are evident in the advances that the journal has made since his arrival, and the community of scholars will forever be grateful to his hard work and dedication.  Thank you, Dr. Harris for all that you have done for JSBS these past six years!