Studying abroad in Prague - Nano but powerful

by Lorenzo Salgado-Merida, senior, management information systems

Lorenzo Salgado-MeridaHow much of an impact can a country with a population size slightly larger than North Carolina really have on you? Before I answer that, I will share my experience in this lovely city of Prague.

The day began in the early morning, around 8 am, with my roommate being a little shaken up from his encounter with some non-natives in Wenceslas Square, where the non-natives would try to intimidate and yell at English-speaking visitors. My fellow ECU Pirates and I had a little discussion about the encounter in our hotel lobby. Based on what I noticed and heard about the encounter, I would say it was a great learning experience. I always hear that hatred and ignorance exist all over the world, but being able to experience it really opened my eyes. For someone who tends to relax, sit back, and just observe, I think the discussion made me more vigilant and less ignorant because I used to brush these things off. Changing my viewpoint is not the only impact Czech has made.

The country of Czech Republic has an impact around the world. Thanks to Dr. Jan Prochazka, I learned about how these impacts were brought about by nanotechnology. FN Nano Inc focuses on photocatalytic technology to make improved environments. Their photocatalytic coatings greatly reduce the number of bacteria and germs, as well as protect the surfaces of structures. Their coatings have been tested, and a surface without the coating becomes black and dirty, while one with the coating is almost like new seven years later. They even used their coating at their offices in Prague to reduce the spread of COVID19. Their impact on structures extends past their country, as they are presenting their case to use their products on the cathedral in Milan. Another example of their products used was when farmers used FN Aqua to spray on their plants to avoid using pesticides. The dead plants were not brought back to life, but the ones that were not dead grew healthier. Nanotechnology in Czech does not stop with FN Nano because their Nanotechnology Industry Association has forty-three members nationwide. There are also over sixty nanotechnology companies in the country, and they are all focused on different fields such as the textile industry, biotechnology, environmental, energy, etc. They are looking forward to improving the world with their technology.

To answer the earlier question, this small country’s impact is huge. From improving my social perspective to improving the world with nanotechnology, it is safe to say that the impact is nowhere near nano.

Now that my chapter in this powerful country has ended, I am excited to see how I will incorporate this experience to improve my demeanor. From an eye-opening discussion to a self-reflection and learning about the impact of nanotechnology, I will say I learned that we as individuals are the ones who are nano, but we are powerful!