Third cohort of Copeland Fellowship named

Front row, left to right: Kooper Ashmore, Aleshondra Halam, and Delcina Loyd Eaton. Back row, left to right, Alyssa Rambert, Laith Marjan, Raquan Stanley, and Dana Newell

Seven College of Business (COB) students have been named to the third cohort of the Copeland Diversity and Inclusion Fellowship.

The 2023 Copeland Fellows include:

  • Aleshondra Halam, Arthur School, Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • Laith Marjan, BSBA Management
  • Delcina Loyd Eaton, Arthur School MBA
  • Katie Council, BSBA Finance
  • Kooper Ashmore, BSBA Finance, Risk Management & Insurance
  • Alyssa Rambert, BSBA Management and African American studies minor
  • Raquan Stanley, BS, Entrepreneurship, and BSBA Finance, Risk Management & Insurance

For the Copeland Fellowship, the students will participate in a comprehensive program that celebrates and encourages a culture of caring, opportunities and belonging. They will immerse themselves in an extensive range of programming that includes experiences outside the classrooms and a celebration of the myriad experiences in the COB body of students.

The Copeland Fellows ‘23 will participate in diversity and inclusion-related events for four semesters. They will each close out the experience by working on a project to demonstrate what they have learned while participating in the program.

Stanley is a double major in finance and entrepreneurship. As a Copeland Fellow ‘23, he wants to “shine a light on … people who feel they don’t have a voice,” he said.

“I strongly believe everyone should have the same opportunities to become successful or live a happy life,” said Stanley.

“My goal is to gain the knowledge needed to identify my own conscious and unconscious biases and recognize where I can improve to be a role model to others,” said Eaton, an MBA student in the COB’s Thomas D. Arthur Graduate School of Business.


Rodney Bonilla is a of the Copeland Fellow ‘22. He calls being a fellow a privilege and said the experience has been a phenomenal one.

“I have been able to step into the lives of multiple different people and gain a deeper understanding of the world around me,” said Bonilla. “My time as a Copeland Fellow has also brought me closer to the people I work with, being able to work efficiently and effectively with them rather than guessing.”

Kadyn Pleasants

“To the current, and future Copeland Fellows, keep an open mind,” said Kadyn Pleasants, Copeland Fellow ’22. “You never know what you are going to learn while sitting in on discussions or watching films in the Black Box Theatre. Attend as many events as you can in person. It’s a great way to network and don’t wait until the last minute, events happen all year; use them to your advantage.” 

New Leadership

Dr. Amy McMillan, associate dean with the College of Business, directed the Copeland Fellowship since its inception in 2021. Starting with this cohort, the Copeland Fellowship will be under the direction of Dana Newell, a COB teaching instructor of marketing and cultural international business. Newell brings more than 35 years of experience working in the public and private sectors and nonprofit organizations. She hopes to continue “change and inclusivity within the COB and throughout ECU,” she said.

“I want to bring real change through the voices of our Copeland Fellows in programming, webinars, forums and research,” said Newell. “Our fellows are our leaders into the future, and our chance is now to help bring about the very transformation we didn’t know we needed.”

In February 2020, the College of Business announced the new Copeland Diversity and Inclusion Fellowship program. The program is possible thanks to a generous commitment from COB alumni Mark and Tracy Copeland.

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