September 11, 2023
SHL Alumna spotlight: Emily Osborne

My name is Emily Osborne, and I am a graduate of the School of Hospitality Leadership (SHL) ’18 at East Carolina. Upon graduation, I was selected by SHL faculty as the outstanding senior and was given the opportunity to speak at graduation. During my speech, I focused on the principle of service. In each role I’ve held, I have remained true to the values of the hospitality industry—to give of one’s time, energy, and resources to enrich others’ lives better.
My initial position post-college was with Waffle House, Inc. I worked through their management program, eventually switching to their “people team” (recruitment), and then finally to the corporate office in Atlanta. In the corporate office, I focused on learning initiatives for the workforce and internal recruitment. In April of 2022, I switched industries and became a “Woman in Construction,” using the people skills I learned at East Carolina and Waffle House to serve Winter Construction’s Training and Recruitment team. My focus is to hire and develop early-career construction professionals via campus recruiting, offering opportunities and assisting the next generation in finding their true passion—something the SHL did for me.
Each role has built upon the other to form me into a diverse asset to my organization and industry. SHL offers a thorough curriculum that leaves you well-equipped to take on anything in your career. I feel blessed to have been part of an institution that prioritizes taking a humanistic approach to business.
Go Pirates!

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- School of Hospitality Leadership