Paige Hill: stewarding relationships

Paige Hill, clad in purple, stands in a very busy Time Square in NYC.

If you’re an alumni of the College of Business, it’s most likely you’ve either heard from or met Paige Hill since she joined the COB in 2015 as its director of outreach. She brings a passion to her job and it only make sense. She’s a Pirate through and through, starting before she first stepped foot on campus as a first-year student in 2002. She’s an alumni twice over (BSBA ’06 and MBA ’20) and she knows first hand the innovative approach the College is taking to build leaders. It’s that knowledge she shares on a daily basis with alumni and friends of the College, all with the goal of re-engaging (and stewarding) alumni its alma mater, e.g., the annual scholarship dinner, student trips, business advisory council meetings, tailgates, alumni visits, etc.

Some of us think we know Paige, but how well do we really know her. Proudly borrowing from the Proust Questionnaire, we asked Paige some questions so we can get to know her a little better.

What was your first concert?

I called my high school/college friend on this one. It’s a toss-up between Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals Tour or the Allman Brothers Band concert in the early 2000s. We couldn’t decide which was first, but both were fantastic shows. 

What are the qualities you like in a person?

I like dynamic yet dependable people and out-of-the-box thinkers ready to go above and beyond for a cause or initiative they believe in. I like passionate people. 

What is your idea of happiness?

Last night, I had three kids and two dogs piled on me watching a movie. That epitomizes true happiness for me. Also, I find a lot of happiness in being out on the Pamlico River with my husband and kids. 

If not in higher education, what would you be?

I would be in a high-energy consultative sales or sales leadership role. Championing projects or initiatives I believe in. In my retirement years, I plan to be a horticulturist.  

If you could go back in time and witness anything in history, where would you go?

I would like to go back and witness the woman washing Jesus’ feet. It was such a humble and lowly act with such a profound purpose. Jesus said her sins were forgiven because she loved so much, and her lavish display of devotion showed the depth of her gratitude for God’s mercy and grace. 

Who is your favorite hero in fiction?

Definitely Dorothy Gale. She drops a house on a wretched woman, steals her shoes, and keeps on trucking, bringing others up with her along the way. What’s not to like about that?

Who are your heroes in real life?

I have a friend who works full-time with four children, three of whom are adopted. She is my ultimate hero. My heroes are hardworking, everyday people who put others before themselves. 

Who are your favorite writers?

I am a big Ayn Rand fan. I also like Victor Hugo, James Patterson, and JRR Tolkien. My taste in books is all over the place. Not too long ago, I read all the Harry Potter books to my kids, and we really enjoyed JK Rowling’s works. 

What is your favorite childhood memory?

Probably going to my grandparent’s house and riding four-wheelers with my cousins. We had much freedom at my grandparents’ house; I will always treasure those memories.  

What’s your favorite ECU/College of Business memory?

Bare Foot on the Mall in 2006 featured the Kelly Bell band, and I got up on the stage and danced. It was so much fun. 

What’s the one thing people find most surprising about you?

I’m a bit of a thrill seeker, and I thrive in uncomfortable situations. As I tell my kids, “You gotta be comfortable, being uncomfortable.” I get bored easily and have never done well with repetitious tasks/jobs.

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