Always here to help!

Written By: Meredith Johnson, Peer Mentor


Many of you may not know this valuable resource that is available to students in The College of Business Advising Center. This resource is The Peer Mentors and is comprised of six junior and senior business students that are here for one purpose, to help other students succeed.

They are here to serve as role models for first year and transfer business students. They participate in all of the College of Business events; you probably saw them at Open House when you first toured here. They are here to offer a student perspective for The College of Business. Most of them have taken the same classes that you have taken and are involved in some of the same organizations that you are involved in. These six Peer Mentors are spread across 4 out of the 5 majors offered in The College of Business. They are actively involved in the business student organizations and you may see them at a meeting.

The Peer Mentors are also actively involved in The College of Business Living Learning Community (LLC) here on campus. The Peer Mentors helped at LLC Move-In Day at the start of the school year. They also attended the Haunted House on College Hill with LLC students. Peer Mentors also get together during one of their weekly meetings towards the end of the semester and put together goody bags for exam week for LLC students.

There are some requirements for the Peer Mentors. One of which is having weekly office hours up in the advising center. These are available to students so they can come up and talk to them about any question or problem they may be having. They are also available during class registration time for students to come and get guidance about staying on schedule for graduation and suggestions for schedules. These office hours are a set schedule every week of the semester.

Now let me introduce you to all of our 2014-2015 Peer Mentors:

DesiThis is Desi Franc. Desi is a Senior Marketing and Supply Chain Management Major from Charlotte, North Carolina. Desi has been with the program for two years now and offers valuable experience from being an RA in the LLC for two years. Desi says the key to success is to stick with this quote “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”-Wayne Gretsky.


This is Meredith Johnson. Meredith is a Junior Marketing major from Cary, North Carolina. This is Meredith’s first year as a Peer Mentor. Meredith currently handles all of our social media sites. When asked why she wanted to be involved with the Peer Mentors she said she wasn’t involved her Freshman year and decided what better way to get involved than with The College of Business and to be able to help incoming Freshman get involved early and find their place here at ECU.

kyleThis is Kyle Kwiatkowski. Kyle is a Senior Accounting and Managerial Finance Major from Greenville, North Carolina. When asked why Kyle wanted to be a Peer Mentor he responded that he believes all students have the potential to be successful as long as they have the motivation and study skills to achieve success.

ShannonThis is Shannon Murphy. Shannon is a Junior Finance- Risk Management and Insurance Major from Mooresville, North Carolina. Shannon is a former LLC student and from her involvement in the LLC wanted to become a Peer Mentor after working closely with them. Shannon says her key to success is to live by this quote from Steve Jobs “Sometimes life’s going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that kept me going was that I loved what I did”.

zekeThis is Zeke Sigler. Zeke is a Senior Accounting major from Wilmington, North Carolina. Zeke is also a former LLC student and after working closely with the Peer Mentors then wanted to be one himself. Zeke says that the key to success for him is to live by this quote from Mark Twain “The secret of getting ahead is getting started”.

lindseyThis is Lindsey Sing. Lindsey is a first year graduate student pursing her MBA from Charlotte, North Carolina. This is also Lindsey’s second year as a Peer Mentor. Lindsey is able to offer students the grad school process. Lindsey says the key to success is following this quote from Walt Disney “Around here we don’t look backwards for long… we keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”

Now that you have met The Peer Mentors we hope to see and hear from you soon. If you would like to email us with any questions or concerns email us at Also, Like us on Facebook at . We are also on LinkedIn:

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