2019 Italy #COBGlobal: day two, the architecture

Outside photo of ItalyAn ECUCOB, Study Abroad Travel Log By Lexxus Martinez

It’s all so surreal. We are really here in Italy. Today, we visited the Guido Gobino chocolate factory and then Skillab after lunch. Though the tours were intriguing, I am more impressed with the little things I have learned so far.

Our tour guide, Filippo, has been such a huge help and taught me so much. He is a resident in Turin and has talked about his personal experiences while living here. One thing we talked about was the “food police,” which I thought was really interesting. Here in Turin, there is a special police force dedicated to making sure each restaurant is up to standards and beyond. They are much stricter on requirements than in America. Though we do have sanitation ratings, you can still purchase food from a place with a low sanitation rating. That would not be the case in Italy, which is why they have some of the best and healthiest foods around.

Aside from the astonishing food quality, I also can’t help but admire all of the architecture. Walking through the streets of Turin, Italy feels magical. The twinkling lights above your head, the uneven cobblestone beneath your feet, and the wafting smell of authentic Italian cuisine are indescribable. I also absolutely love the style of the buildings around here. Unlike America, little balconies are on almost every building. I think this is one of my favorite parts of the city because I love being able to sit out on a porch and reflect.

There is so much about this place that amazes me, and I cannot wait to experience how it differs from the other cities we plan to visit in Italy. This trip is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I feel extremely grateful to be here in such a beautiful place.


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