
March 2022

Miller School names its first Engaged Entrepreneurship Scholar

The Miller School of Entrepreneurship values cross-campus research collaborations and the formation of inter-disciplinary scholarly partnerships. As a result, the Miller School launched the Engaged Entrepreneurship Scholar (EES). The program […]


Day 2 in France…It’s all about getting there

Experiences abound for COB students traveling abroad.


Heading to France: study abroad perspectives from Anjenie Garcia Fernandez

“I was going to France”


Team Cognition: What is it, why does it matter, and how can we promote it?

by Dr. Kent Alipour Teamwork has become increasingly common in modern-day organizations. In many cases, this is because there is a belief that when individuals combine their knowledge, skills, abilities, […]


February 2022

In turn with Mason Taylor

“I took the internship seriously because it was a real-world experience.”


SHL Career Fair moves back to face-to-face

More than 20 organizations came looking for tomorrow’s leaders.


In turn with Landon Stevenson

“Getting that internship and gaining that experience will give you connections.”


Dr. Kent Alipour: professor, Jurassic tour guide or mythic figure

“Taken together, if the American dream exists, I am absolutely it.”


In turn with Peyton Berry

“take advantage of all opportunities the Cunanan Center provides.”


In turn with Nicholas Peterson

“The journey with AmWins has been incredible and has surpassed everything I had expected.”
