
September 2021

In turn with Russell Sherrod

The connections I made are lasting, and I feel that I can reach out and lean on them for almost anything.


August 2021

Rural Expansion

ECU, USDA announce grant expanding rural business development program Published Aug 30, 2021 by ECU News Services A $150,000 grant from the United States Department of Agriculture will expand East […]


Wells named Dean of National Cannabis Risk Management Academy

The National Cannabis Risk Management Association (NCRMA) has named Dr. Brenda Powell Wells, CPCU, AAI, CRIS, as the Dean of the National Cannabis Risk Management Academy.  In her capacity as […]


Getto added to Crisp’s Faculty Alliance Program

Dr. Guiseppe Getto from ECU’s English Department has been added to the Faculty Alliance Program, which is operated out of the College of Business’ Crisp Small Business Resource Center. Getto’s […]


In turn with Maiya Woodward

“I never thought of going into the supply chain/ logistics field until this internship.”


Annual Business Leadership Conference is back

EY Americas Ken Bouyer will give keynote on Sept. 13.


July 2021

In Turn with Cameron Barker

“I am so glad that I was offered this amazing opportunity.”


Internship with Gabby Banks

“Working is inevitable, so it’s best to work doing something you love!”


Mbarika receives recognition from Association of Information Systems

“I strive to demonstrate to students that technology impacts education and business and how people live their lives.”


Supply Chain students gain experience with industry leader

““The students opened up Penco to new ideas about how to handle some of their international supply chain operations.”
