
April 2015

Risk Management Insurance Students Travel to Washington DC

Every year the RMI students go on multiple trips to conferences, conventions, and meetings all over the U.S. On April 21st some of the students will be heading to Washington DC for the Big “I” Legislative Conference.


What is the best way to find a job or internship?

I’ll give you a hint. The answer starts with N and ends in K and rhymes with guesswork. That’s right; networking is the best way to find a job or internship.


ECU College of Business Holds Inaugural Leadership Conference

The College of Business held its first-ever Business Leadership Conference from March 31 to April 1, bringing in local titans of industry to speak to more than 1,000 business students.


Students Plan Affordable Child Care Center at ECU

Thanks to an idea sparked by an entrepreneurship class, two ECU students are creating a drop-off child care center called PlayCare, providing affordable therapy services for Greenville-area children through ECU’s Office of Public Service and Community Relations


ECU College of Business Maintains Prestigious AACSB Business Accreditation

After an extensive external review, the College of Business has maintained its business accreditation by AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.


March 2015

Engaged Learning and Outreach through the Small Business Institute

he small business management course has a long history in the Department of Management at East Carolina University. In 1972, the Small Business Institute® (SBI) model was initiated through a partnership between the Small Business Administration and eight select universities in the United States.


Tips For Writing A Personal Statement

When do you need a personal statement? Anytime you want to market yourself. You are an Entrepreneur of your own career so you better get started.


Don’t Forget To Check With Financial Aid

It’s that time of the year when college seniors are beginning to think about their final exams, their graduation, and their first day out in the real world.


ECU AMA To Attend Conference in New Orleans

The ECU chapter of the American Marketing Association will have 13 students attending the International Collegiate Conference in New Orleans March 19-21.


Liang Wins Prestigious ECU Five-Year Achievement Award

East Carolina University has honored Professor Huigang Liang in the Department of MIS with the prestigious ECU Five-Year Achievement for Excellence in Research and Creative Activity Award.
